Technology Wins Over the Bible

The question of whether technology takes the place of God’s direction for people versus reading the bible has been answered. In the past some folks told me the bible would become obsolete and technology would take the place of biblical guidance. Quite the opposite has taken place as technology actually enhances reading the bible as a great searching tool.


Just Can’t Put My Finger On It

I can remember my grandparents searching for something and using the phrase “I just can’t put my finger on it.” Many folks used to search for stuff in the bible that way and figure that God would guide them by putting their finger on a miracle verse to answer a question.

This way to search the bible can bring about guidance that is not the most accurate way of receiving what is needed. It can be as dangerous as taking a medical test from an unqualified place and putting your life in jeopardy. God gave us a brain to think logically and the bible as an instruction book.

Read The Correct Section

If you pick up an instruction book it is best to read the entire thing or refer to a section where you need answers. The bible can work the same way. If you read the entire book knowledge will be gained like never before. However, if you are stuck in life it is best to read the correct section.

While assembling a bicycle I got confused while putting together the wheel. It made sense to consult the instruction book for that section and I got my questions answered. Since God made the bible as an instruction book it makes sense to read the right section if you need an answer. Technology makes finding the correct section really easy and less spooky than finger pointing.

Technology Compliments The Bible

A Google search on your computer with the phrase “bible verses about marriage” in the subject line will produce over 25,000 results. One result may give you 182 verses to read. Other sources will give commentaries. Technology will make your bible a true instruction book that is easy to follow. If you are considering marriage let a search on the subject point you to some bible verses to ponder.

Most instruction manuals come in several languages nowadays. Technology will allow you to not only search what verses you desire but give different languages and versions to read. Suddenly the instruction book has come alive with new meaning.

Life is not a contest to determine if technology is superior over the written word of the bible. By using modern tools to enhance our reading experience new meaning and guidance from the bible comes our way. Your fingers will walk around the pages quite a bit easier and find some great answers.

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