Eco-Psychology and Technology

Eco-psychology is a movement taking place by young and old alike, in an attempt to counter the stressful effects of modern day technology. As society dives further and further into the abyss of technology, so to does our very nature take a dive along with it. I feel the effects of this as someone involved … Read more

Ode to Technology: Oh, My Myspace

Oh, what would I do without my Myspace?In haste, my life would go to waste.My friendships would be dead.My addiction wouldn't be fed.I need to type and hit that send button.In this world where I'm a glutton.I must see what they've said.At night before I rest.Oh, what would I do without my Myspace?

Technology in the Classroom: Why and How Scanners Are Beneficial

See the source image

Using a scanner is a simple, convenient way for an educator to integrate technology in the classroom. A scanner allows the teacher to incorporate various forms of media, such as maps, photographs, and newspaper clippings into the curriculum. The teacher could take a full-size map, scan it, shrink it, and paste it into a Word … Read more

Internet Censorship: How Technology is Fighting Back

A new report from NASDAQ focuses on Internet censorship around the world. Correspondents from several countries reveal that this issue is growing as more nations attempt to restrict the flow of information from the outside world. The Guardian has also highlighted how censorship is spreading and affecting people in multiple countries. Murong Xuecun describes how … Read more

The Development of Technology 1800-1850

Industrialization Industrialization in the late nineteenth century had worldwide effects. As modern transportation developed, the need for better communication was recognized by both business and the military. Business saw an ever-expanding market and required a way to reach that market. Military leaders in the United States and Europe saw an ever-shrinking world and a need … Read more