Internet Censorship: How Technology is Fighting Back

A new report from NASDAQ focuses on Internet censorship around the world. Correspondents from several countries reveal that this issue is growing as more nations attempt to restrict the flow of information from the outside world. The Guardian has also highlighted how censorship is spreading and affecting people in multiple countries.

Murong Xuecun describes how his personal accounts on several social networks were deleted by the Chinese government. His IP address and mobile phone have also been blocked, and he states it feels as if he is being forced into a "dark pit." Unfortunately, Xuecun's story is one of many Internet censorship issues that are happening across the globe.

In an article on Forbes , one writer shares his prediction of growing censorship problems and the possibility of emerging issues in Europe and the U.S. He also points out technology is fighting back with more options for users and opportunities to circumvent some of the censorship restrictions. Software played a role in the Arab Spring as governments tried to restrict Internet access.

The most recent example of Internet censorship comes from Turkey as protests continue in this country. The Financial Times reports that protestors have discovered their access to social media networks is being limited. Officials argue this is being caused by too much traffic and insist that censorship is not occurring, but reports from citizens reveal censorship is also spreading to local media networks. Turkey has a long history with this problem, and previous reports indicate that news organizations have been prohibited from covering certain events. The freedom of information and access to online networks is being threatened in many countries.

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