How to Make Money Writing Product Reviews

I recently did some research. I was amazed at how many product review websites are scattered all over the Internet. I then came across a blog talking about how to make money writing product reviews. Had I landed on a gold mine? There are several ways to make money writing product reviews, and advantages.

Never Run Out of Topics to Write About

One thing that is wonderful about product reviews, you never run out of topics to write about. We are a material society. Just think of all the products around you at this very moment. Then think about all the products your kids, teens, spouse and other people you are around and give gifts to. Do you see where this is going? You can virtually never run out of topics to write about when you make money writing product reviews.

Product Reviews Match Automatic Ads Placed on Website

If you use enough keywords in your product reviews, the automatic ads will match up rather nicely. How does this make you money? Readers that found your product reviews are more than likely looking for a specific product or similar product. You provide the information. Usually, the ads will provide a place to click to buy the products. You can make some incredible money with the click throughs because the ads typically match so well.

You Can Link to Products You Sell

Affiliates can target specific types of products. Throughout the product review, you can link to the affiliate page that has similar or the same product. For example, if you have product such as gloves to sell. You can write several product reviews on different gloves. Inside the product reviews, you can put a direct link to the gloves you sell as an affiliate.

Let the Traffic Come with Product Reviews

Another advantage to product reviews is traffic that you generate to your website. Just think about it for a moment. People are specifically looking for products. The more products and variety of products that you review on your website, the more people that will visit it. Some advertisers pay by ad impressions. Quality product reviews are a great way to pick up some high volume traffic and increase your money earnings with ad impressions.

Get Cold Cash to Write Product Reviews

There are literally numerous places on the Internet that will pay you directly for product reviews. Other places will pay by page views or even ad revenue sharing. There literally is a gold mine sitting out there during the recession for product reviews. More people are searching and learning about products before spending hard earned money on items. Doing a little research, you can find places that will pay you directly or pay you with shared ad revenue or page views for your product review articles.

Write on Numerous Types of Products

Set up your own blog. Write on numerous types of products. Cover food, chocolate, beauty, computer games and more. You don’t have to limit yourself on what to write about. You don’t even have to write in one product niche if you do an independent blog with nothing but product reviews.

Write about Experience with the Product

Everyone can find the specs and product descriptions for products. What readers really want to know is your honest experience with the product. Was it a deal, dud or wonderful? Not all products will be that wonderful. Be honest and give the reader actual information. The more you can share about your personal experience with the products, the more money you can make writing product reviews.

Tax Deduction for Your Product Review Writing

Check with your accountant. If my memory is correct, you can deduct up to 50 percent of the amount you earned from the cost of the product. For example, if I review a coffee maker that is forty bucks and I got paid ten bucks for the review, I could take five dollars off my taxes. You might not think that this is much. Or perhaps you think, you’ll go in the hole buying all the products.

Don’t buy products. Keep your receipts. Use products that you already have in your home. Write about gifts you give and receive. Learn the retail value of the products. Then you can keep a log of the amount you can deduct. Give it to your accountant and see if it’s a business deduction. The more deductions, the less self-employment tax you have to pay on independent contractor income.

The Reviewer's Digest

The Reviewer's Digest

We review products and services in-depth, saving you time and stress of choosing between various products. Our goal is to make our users make decisions they are confident about. The Reader's Digest is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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