Glucofort Review: After 67 Days Of Consumption

This is my review of Glucofort which is a natural Diabetes supplement.
Glucofort review

I’m a type II diabetic in my mid-40s.

Losing 20+ pounds, changing my diet, and adding regular exercise several times a week did not change the A1C figure. My endocrinologist tried a few of the really expensive meds (Januvia and Onglyza) but they did not help things to any noticeable degree. I was perilously close to needing insulin.

I didn’t know what I was going to do… struggling, trying, praying… on keto, taking meds, and injecting insulin and it wasn’t working…but this worked for me!!! Try it especially if your blood glucose level don’t make sense with all the effort being put into lowering it.

Overall my morning sugars were between 150-160, after I took Glucofort it remained between 107-115, which is quite good according to my doctor.

I started searching aggressively when I came to know that most of the diabetic patients face the risk of developing other serious and deathly long-term health issues as well.

Then I came across Glucofort and decided to give it a try. I’ve consumed Glucofort for several months to help you determine if this advanced blood sugar support works or not.

Let’s get started!

Glucofort Overview & Effects

Glucofort review
Got my bottle of Glucofort. I ordered package of 3.

As per my research GlucoFort contains a concentrated formula of powerful natural antioxidants scientifically designed to support blood sugar levels in the body.

When researched I found out that Glucofort is scientifically formulated; and great care was put into combining just the right amount of 20+ different ingredients into a premium formula designed to support healthy blood sugar levels.

I ordered 3 bottles and started consuming it. And then I went for my fasting and A1C blood tests.

My Story With Diabetes

I was completely skeptical, but hopeful. Again, I’m not a one-pill-fixes all kind of person. I was overweight, eating too many carbohydrates – yes, even WHOLE grain counts…and once you have this problem, you must STOP that… read up on it and find out as it’s life or death here – and anything that can help my body get back to normal, or at least not be as weak in balancing glucose could save my life..extend my life, remove my symptoms, etc.

My pancreas/beta cells are no longer functioning normally, most likely due to fats in my pancreas and liver. Welcome to diabetes.

My doctor stated that I need to take the Metformin, which I hate taking if I know there’s other ways like eating right and exercising. And I asked my doctor to let me try independently Glucofort to which he approved as he saw ingredients of it could do no harm. And then I took it for a month.

Results I Got After Consuming Glucofort

Overall my morning sugars were between 150-160, after I took Glucofort it remained between 107-115, which is quite good according to my doctor.

Being totally thrilled, impressed & excited by the results, I immediately ordered another 3 months supply.

Now remember, you cannot go back to huge, fatty, sugary desserts, french fries, and the like. But you can eliminate or greatly improve your symptoms, your cholesterol ratings, and of course, your blood glucose.

I also lost weight, which I was trying so hard to. I lost around 20 pounds or so over months.

How does Glucofort work?

Glucofort works by targeting a particular molecule in your body that compels fat to recede within your blood. Not only that, but this fat source is also triggered into treating your liver, pancreas, and heart, all of which have direct links to type 2 diabetes. What might this molecule be? It turns out that it is none other than ceramide.

Ultimately, Glucofort activates the “diabetes-reversing mechanism” so that ceramides in your body are flushed out of your system.

Glucofort Ingredients

The ingredients found inside Glucofort are a combination of roots, barks, plants, trees, and berries, all of which are usually consumed as tea in Tibet.

The main ingredients and their effects on your body as well as independent research studies related to them are mentioned below for your reference:

Main IngredientsHow It Helps?Research Studies
Guggul Anti-inflammatory, Anti-diabeticGuggul- NCBI
Bitter MelonAnti-diabetic and Hypoglycaemic effectsBitter Melon – NCBI
Cinnamon  Helps to lower the glucose levelCinnamon – NCBI
Gymnema SylvestreCombats diabetes and obesityGymnema Sylvestre – NCBI
Glucofort Ingredients

Has Glucofort been tested?

160 men and women, ranging between the ages of 20 and 82, have volunteered to give Glucofort a try. Selected participants were either pre-diabetic, newly diabetic, or have suffered from long-term diabetes. In addition to their respective Glucofort supplies, a form was provided to track their progress. As a result, the following results were reported:

  • Glucose levels were bettered.
  • Lowered blood pressure and fasting blood sugar levels.
  • Improved cardiovascular and cognitive health.

Thing I liked about Glucofort most

Besides low blood sugar levels, what I like the most about it is you can try GlucoFort for 60 days, with a no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee. That means the brand has the confidence in their product that it will work, or if it does not for you in case than it takes the full responsiblity for it.

Pricing & Conclusion

I would recommended this product to you or anyone who wants to reduce their blood sugar or glucose number.

It’s not a magic pill, it just has an extremely comprehensive list of ingredients known to improve insulin resistance and to lower blood glucose. It’s a necessary support product, and a lot cheaper than the rest of diabetes medications/products out there.

My endocrinologist didn’t push his product…he just wanted to make sure I was on something. I got better results with this than on his, and MUCH better without anything.

Some users even reported that they were able to reduce or even eliminate prescription drugs all together.

You’ll be as impressed with this product as I was. Run it past your doctor and see what he/she thinks. I did and he gave me the go-ahead as Glucofort is 100% natural, meaning no chemicals or drugs.

All you have to lose is about 49$ if you purchase a combo.

One final note, I did not receive any compensation whatsoever for this totally honest review. My only reason for writing this review is to share my excitement with you for a product that seems to work as advertised for a majority of the people who try it.

Other Tips

  • Work with your diabetes educator to create a healthy eating plan for you
  • You should eat high-protein, low-carb meals to control your hunger and appetite
  • You should regularly exercise which can help you keep your blood sugar levels on track. Important: don’t exercise if ketones are present in your urine. This can make your blood sugar go even higher.
  • You should eat a maximum of 6g (one teaspoonful) of salt a day. That’s why it helps a lot if you cook your food yourself which will help you keep an eye on how much salt you’re eating.
  • You should avoid sugary beverages. It has been shown that if you consume soda and sweet drinks, it increases your blood sugar.
The Reviewer's Digest

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