If you were offered alternative spirituality, what would you do – Kansas City Alternative Religions

If someone offered you 'alternative spirituality,' would you say ‘YES,' ask what that is, or become fearful? Are you sure of what you believe and why? What if you were mistaken? Not wrong, just not seeing the complete truth? Would you open to a bigger vision or would you refuse to consider the possibility?

Alternative is not second best. It is a different perspective, a bigger vision. An option for that which no longer serves; whether it’s alternative fuel, alternative health care or an alternative belief system. There is a void that the well-known has not filled. An alternative vision is an expansion that fills the unmet needs or questions.

Some beliefs that were considered alternative in their beginnings but which have become conventional are: Christianity, the earth is round, indoor plumbing, and washing hands before eating, electricity, cars, airplanes, buffets and acupuncture. The list is endless. Some people do not agree with all these ‘innovations.’ They may choose to live their life without them. They do not have to participate.

Would you want to be forced to live in a way which you do not personally believe? Should some people be denied the same privilege because they do not agree with you? Shouldn’t all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that serves them and harms no other? Should we outlaw buffets if they include food we don’t like? How petty we become when we cannot even consider an alternative idea might be true.

Sometimes it is not easy to see beyond ourselves. We are so afraid of being wrong. The most heinous crimes are committed in the attempt to prove we are right. Our world is filled with hysteria about who’s right and who’s wrong. There is no peace to be found in the discord. All that is required is to simply allow others to believe as their hearts dictate and to live our lives by our own beliefs without forcing on others. How a life is lived speaks much louder than words.

Freedom means being able to choose; that’s called a buffet. Eat with great joy!

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